Where It All Started


After graduating from college, I got a job at a design start-up and I often found myself working early mornings straight through to midnight. Due to global time differences, our meetings were commonly organized at midnight, so it became normal for me to scoff down food to fill my stomach before the meetings would start. My work schedule was non-stop and I would find myself being woken up by notifications and responding to work messages and emails in the middle of the night.

Life continued this way for several years and I never once questioned it, I thought it was the norm… mistreating my body. I was completely unaware of the impact it would have on me. Finally, my body told me it had had enough and began to scream for help. 

One morning, I woke up to find my right arm was entirely numb — I couldn’t feel anything. After visiting the hospital to have it checked, they told me that working in the same position for too long in front of the computer caused numbness.

The doctor told me that this was a very common result of office workers working long hours and many people visited with similar symptoms, and all of them have similar ailments. They told me if I don't adjust my lifestyle and take care of myself, things will only get worse.

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The problems didn’t stop there.

As the stress at work continuously increased, I began experiencing heart palpitations, anxiety, autonomic disorders, weight gain, gastrointestinal problems and insomnia. Nightmares caused by stress and anxiety would wake me up in the middle of the night, and I gradually realized I wasn’t the only one struggling. Many of my friends were also experiencing the same problems.


At first, I had no idea how to build up a healthier lifestyle or what I should do. But soon enough I made the decision to start stretching and see where it would lead me. 

I signed up at a yoga studio near where I lived and set aside time to go two days a week. I still remember going to my first outdoor yoga class, connecting to the mat with my barefoot and feeling the cool breeze gently blowing past us as we moved our bodies inflow. That, specifically, was the moment I fell in love with the complete relaxation and freedom that comes when you talk and listen to your body. 

One night at the end of class as my teacher dimmed the lights ready for relaxation, I laid on my mat feeling relaxed, and a warm sensation flowed through my body. Seconds later tears began streaming down my face unconsciously — it was then I realized how much pain and discomfort I put my body through in the past — I felt my body, mind, and spirit all began to connect. 

Major changes in life can start from the smallest of decisions.

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Six years later I’m continuing to build healthy habits, seek meaningful connections and have created this platform. At Soul Barn we support you to cultivate your intuition and help discover what will inspire your unique life journey.

This is where it all starts. :)



Kandee Chen is the Creative Director of Studio Kandee. She can usually be found searching for vintage wares, sitting in quiet cafes, relaxing by the lake, or exploring new places in the city.

Kandee’s Instagram @mysouldairy

Article translated by Helen Luo

Images: @headspace @mattblease


@mysouldairy conscious living for 8 years


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